@extends('index') @section('content')

{{user_race_logo_small()}} Voodoo Shop

You feel a magical energy streaming through you...

Welcome to the Voodoo Shop, a really wondrous place. With a short look into the shop you can guess what kind of mysterious items might be hidden here. Suddenly a goblin appears behind the dusty bar and bows to you: "What can I do for you, Sir?"

Your possessions: {{prettyNumber(user()->getGold())}} {{gold_image_tag()}} + {{prettyNumber(user()->getHellstone())}} {{hellstone_image_tag()}}

{{user_race_logo_small()}}Become a Shadow-Lord now

@if(user()->getPremium() > time()) @endif

How do I benefit in becoming a Shadow-Lord?

Per activation, you receive a whole day`s pay in Gold
Doubled action point regeneration rate
Maximum number of action points +50%

14 days
for only
15 hellstones

{{csrf_field()}} getHellstone() < 15) disabled @endif>

You will be a Shadow-Lord until: {{date('D, d.m.Y - H:i:s', user()->getPremium())}}

{{user_race_logo_small()}}Premium items

Metamorphosis stone

You can change your race with the metamorphosis stone.
(You will automatically leave your clan; if you have founded a clan, it will be dissolved)

sale price: 50 {{hellstone_image_tag()}}
