@extends('index') @section('content') @if(user()->getClanId() == 0)



{{user_race_logo_small()}} Clan [{{$clan->tag}}] (since {{date('d.m.Y H:i', $clan->found_date)}})

Name {{$clan->name}}
Homepage @if(strlen($clan->website) > 0) {{$clan->website}} ({{prettyNumber($clan->website_counter)}} Visitors) @else no clan page available @endif
Total booty {{prettyNumber($totalBlood)}} Blood
Members {{$member_count}} / {{$clan->stufe == 0 ? 1 : $clan->stufe * 3}} Member
Capital {{prettyNumber($clan->capital)}}{{gold_image_tag()}}
Your rank {{$rank->rank_name}}
@if($rank->id == 1 || $rank->id == 2 || $rank->send_clan_message || $rank->spend_gold)

{{user_race_logo_small()}} Clan settings

@if($rank->id == 1 || $rank->id == 2) @endif @if($rank->send_clan_message) @endif @if($rank->id == 1 || $rank->id == 2) @endif @if($rank->spend_gold) @endif
add description
edit clan symbol
set as homepage
rename clan
send a message to your clan
manage members
view the donations made to your clan

@endif @if($rank->add_members)

{{user_race_logo_small()}} Clan applications

@if($clan_application_count) @else @endif
Application({{$clan_application_count}})No Applications


{{user_race_logo_small()}} View of the clan hideout


{{user_race_logo_small()}} Clan hideout

Capital: {{prettyNumber($clan->capital)}}{{gold_image_tag()}}

@for($i = 1; $i <= $clan->stufe; $i++) @endfor @if($clan->stufe < 18) @endif
Level: {{$i}} Members: {{$i * 3}} OK
Level: {{$clan->stufe + 1}} Members: {{($clan->stufe + 1) * 3}} @if($clan->capital >= getClanHideoutCost($clan->stufe + 1)) @endif The next level costs
{{prettyNumber(getClanHideoutCost($clan->stufe + 1))}}{{gold_image_tag()}} @if($clan->capital >= getClanHideoutCost($clan->stufe + 1))


{{user_race_logo_small()}} Donate into the clan account

Your gold: {{prettyNumber(user()->getGold())}} {{gold_image_tag()}}

How much would you like to donate? {{gold_image_tag()}}

{{user_race_logo_small()}} Clan description

@if(strlen($clan->description) > 0) {!! $clan->descriptionHtml !!} @else no description @endif


{{user_race_logo_small()}} messages

@if(count($clan_messages) > 0) @if($rank->delete_message) @endif @foreach($clan_messages as $message) @if($rank->delete_message) @endif @endforeach @else @endif
Sender Content
{{$message->name}} ({{$message->rank_name}})
{{date('D, d.m.Y - H:i:s', $message->message_time)}}
no messages

@endif @if($rank->write_message)

{{user_race_logo_small()}} new message (2000 Characters)



{{user_race_logo_small()}} {{user()->getClanRank() == 1 ? 'Disband' : 'Leave'}} clan

@endif @endsection