@extends('index') @section('content')

{{__('user.settings_profile_settings_for', ['user' => e(user()->getName())])}}

{{user_race_logo_small()}}change e-mail address

@if(empty($email_activation) || $email_activation->activated) @elseif($activationEmailSent) @else @endif
e-mail address: (Permanent) {{user()->getEmail()}}
e-mail address:
The e-mail address becomes permanent 7 days after the validation. The new e-mail address needs to be validated within 3 days otherwise the change is cancelled.
Thank you for activating your e-mail address.An email containing your activation link has been sent.Your e-mail has not been activated yet. Click here to get an activation e-mail.


{{user_race_logo_small()}}Go into hiding

{{user_race_logo_small()}}change password

old password:
new password:
confirm password:
Password check:

The password should contain the following characteristics:

  • min. 8 characters
  • Upper and lower case
  • Special characters (e.g.!?:_., )
  • Numbers

{{user_race_logo_small()}}delete account
